A place to help keep us informed, organized & heard.

Take a quick tiny minute and participate! Fill out a short community poll, sign a petition or get in touch:)

Jewett may be a small town but the distance between us can be a big obstacle. This website provides an easy way to stay up-to-date with our town government, and have a way to collectively communicate useful information and community sentiments to our board members.

  • Active Petitions in the Town of Jewett:

    Virtual Access To Public Meetings

  • Have a question, information about Jewett you think would be helpful or a local or county level government happening that deserves attention? Please reach out! You can call or text me (Elide Bell) directly at 516.589.9178 or email elideeva@gmail.com

  • Jewett Town Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7pm. Meetings are being held in-person at the town municipal building located at 3547 County Rte. 23C. The community is currently advocating for a return to live virtual/streaming access to public meetings. See the petition.