March 24th 2nd Public Meeting regarding Jewett's Local Flood Analysis
2nd Public Meeting
Thursday, March 24, 2022, 10:00AM
Jewett Town Hall, 3547 CR 23C
A follow up public meeting to inform residents of the results of the local flood analysis (LFA) conducted for the three hamlet areas—1) East Jewett/Colgate Lake Road 2) Jewett proper/municipal complex hamlet, and 3) South Jewett/Deming Road to Carr Road.
The meeting will review the components of a LFA, what was modeled to analyze potential reduction of flood risk in these areas, the results of the flood modeling, and recommendations in each hamlet area.
Presented by Mark Carabetta and Miguel Castellanos consultants with SLR, Inc. This informative meeting is primarily for residents in the hamlet areas but all residents are welcome.
For more information, contact Miguel Castellanos at 845-633-8153,